Our tags and plates come in a variety of styles, size, and material.
Sorted by Style:
Address Plates (used for stamping)
Cable Tags
Dog Tags
Rectangular Tags & Plates
Round Tags & Plates
Valve Tags
Sorted by Size:
0.47" x 3.39" (67)
0.53" x 3.37" (43)
0.62" x 3.31" (36)
0.68" x 3.30" (14)
0.70" x 3.37" (42)
0.75" x 1.50" (94)
0.75" x 2.18" (V3)
0.75" x 2.87" (V3)
0.75" x 3.68" (V3)
0.86" x 3.50" (46)
1.00" (54)
1.06" x 3.37" (41)
1.06" x 3.50" (12)
1.10" x 2.25" (35)
1.12" x 2.00" (20)
1.12" x 2.00" (21)
1.37" x 3.75" (37)
1.45" x 1.29" (93)
1.50" (53)
1.53" x 2.69" (38)
1.56" x 3.50" (10)
1.57" x 3.15" (13)
1.72" x 3.50" (32)
1.72" x 3.50" (33)
1.87" x 2.42" (51)
2.00" x 3.00" (34)
2.12" (50)
2.12" x 3.37" (31)
2.82" x 3.75" (68)
2.87" x 4.00" (65)
Sorted by Material:
Stainless Steel